Maybe it's the position of the planets, moon phase, or some other cosmic occurrence that is causing these random thoughts; two friends curiously report the same.
Please feel free to add comments with your own things you miss, too!
- Cashmere Bouquet and Dier Kiss talcum powders
- Baskin Robbins English Toffee ice cream (not an ice cream fan, but loved this one!)
- Prescriptives cosmetics 'Magic' line
- Reaching a real English speaking person on any phone service call
- Frito Lay 'Bistro Gourmet' Potato Chips (Best ever)
- Carnations that actually had that spicy carnation fragrance
- A long handwritten letter from a friend
- Woolworth (and other drugstores) Soda Fountains (always the best burgers & fries)
- The Door County (Wisconsin) of my youth, including: Peninsula State Park camping & Friday night bonfires with whole skinned pine trees in a 'teepee shape; Gill's Rock smoked whitefish; Bailey's drugstore & do-it-yourself sundaes; Cornell's Riding Stable, & 'Uncle Thad," who let us wash dishes for free horseback rides; "Pebble Beach," and skipping pebbles into the water; Hansen's shetland ponies and the Nickelodean collection in the barn; the village of Ephraim
- Elizabeth Arden's 'Cabriole' perfume, my favorite, ever.
- Square - and better yet- crinkle-cut french fries when ordering out.
- $9.95 Oil Change specials
- Neighborhoods with sidewalks, streetlights, and no fences between neighbors
- Block parties & potlucks
- Being in a movie, restaurant, rest room, fitting room, etc., withOUT cell phones ringing & having to endure loud conversations
- 4th of July firework extravaganzas at almost every park
- Drive In's: Movies AND restaurants
- Airline travel that was actually fun! (i.e., no security restrictions, up to 2 free bags (no weight limit) and (hard to believe!) free hot meals!
- Shiny chrome bumpers and grilles on cars
- My grandmother's fried chicken
- TV Series: Dirty Sexy Money; The Gilmore Girls; Once And Again; Reunion; Invasion; Providence
- Worrying that gas might someday reach (shudder) $2.00!
- Anticipating the photos you were waiting to be developed
- Record stores (and listening booths!) And records!
- Julia Child's live cooking shows
- The "brrrrrrrrrrring" sound of old phones
- White soda (a midwest thing)
- Four distinct seasons
- "hard roll," butter, and liver sausage sandwiches from my childhood
- Real butter on movie popcorn (though some small indie theatres still have it)
- Walking in the woods at Menomonee River Parkway and gathering abundant buttercups and violets to make necklaces and crowns (Where I lived & Parkway location)
- Actually finding 4-leafed clovers in my own yard
- The sound of my little girl (now grown) giggling uncontrollably when we had tickle contests
- Flying homemade kites with my Aunt Sylvia
- Station wagons with a back-facing third seat.
- Old friends I have lost track of, but still think of all the time.
- The Steak n' Shake drive-in (They took your order at your car, served you, & hung a tray on your door)